27 June 2011

Imelda May is a haunting Irish export. The Dubliner started her career in the music industry when she was just 16 - sometimes being barred from her own gigs because she was underage - and performed on the acoustic stage at Glastonbury on Sunday night.

'I was getting tips from the best musicians in Dublin. One of them said, "Your voice is great, but it needs to roughen"' she says on her website. Imelda was a unique individual from a very young age, refusing to follow the music trends all of her classmates did. Instead, she was draw towards Rockabilly and Blues. She remembers the turning point of her music career after being confronted by heartbreak, her father said: 'is your heart broken? Excellent. Now you can sing the blues'.

Like The Wild Geese, May's raw talent is Untamed. 

Becoming popular on the Dublin music scene, Imelda was determined to build on this momentum. She released her debut album, 'Love Tattoo', through her own label in 2006 and went on to win the 'Female Artist of the Year' at the Irish Meteor Awards.

Winning the Female Artist of the Year at the Irish Meteor Awards
Imelda May also recently performed for Barrack Obama during his visit to Ireland in May. Alongside other Irish performers - it was a day for Wild Geese from all over the world to come together in a celebration of their shared heritage:

'It was a great honour to perform along with the cream of Irish talent for O'Bama and a pleasure to meet him and Michelle. The atmosphere was electric. The speeches were inspirational and bought fire to my heart and a tear to my eye'.

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